2024 is the year you become the woman you’re supposed to be!

8-month mentoring and group experience with a 2-day retreat in San Diego
2023 Session now closed!


About this Experience

We will be working out of the book, "The Heroine's Journey: Women's Quest for Wholeness" and Workbook. Each month, we will have individual sessions where we will work on where you’re at, the barriers you may have, and set intentions. The group will have a special topic/guest speaker and time to lean on your sisters.

Includes Monthly:

  • 1 individual coaching

  • 1 group coaching with guest

  • 1 full moon ceremony

  • 1 full moon community card pull read
    with astrology forecast.

The full moon ceremony will drop into your body and help identify what no longer serves you so you can release it.

No other time than now, we are in an unprecedented time for the rise of the feminine….

In leadership
In business
In motherhood
In relationships
To show and share your gifts

It’s through the sacred feminine that we heal our lineage and set the standard moving forward. There’s no reason to not be doing the inner work when all of this is at your fingertips.


No matter where you are, greater abundance and fulfillment is through the wisdom of the sacred feminine


Registration is now Closed




8 Monthly


12 Monthly


If you pay in full you get a bonus Human Design with Astrology reading from Arlene from Luna Soul Wellness. If you need an extended payment plan or partial scholarship, please email Camille at